Auto Focus

Auto focus is a camera mode that allows you to highlight only the desired objects in a photo. Unlike manual focus, where you have to point the camera at the subject and press a button or touch screen to create clarity and detail, all the required settings are made at the software level. Today’s phones also support autofocus, which makes it much easier to take photos and videos.

The principle of the mode is quite simple. Light from the object falls into the camera’s lens and then goes to the matrix (a special photosensitive sensor). The phase sensors on the sensor read the uniformity of the incoming light. If all the beams are the same, it indicates the correct focal length. But if they are different, the sensor sends the information to the camera processor, which moves the lens.

Thanks to special software, the camera in your phone understand which of the objects you’re focusing on. The desired field becomes clearer and more contrasty, and the extra space in the image looks less sharp. This allows you to photograph small objects, highlighting every detail. Autofocus does not always work correctly, so if you want to focus manually, tap on the desired object on the smartphone screen.

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