QR Scanner

A QR scanner is a smartphone application designed to scan various barcodes. The principle of work of such a program is simple: it is enough for the user to point the phone camera to the QR code. After this, it is necessary to wait for its recognition. There is a built-in application on Xiaomi smartphones by default, which allows scanning such codes. It is called “Scanner” and is located on the desktop in the “Tools” folder.

The first time you run the program, you need to permit to access the camera and the internal storage of the phone. And after this, it is possible to point the camera to the QR code and scan it. If a link to some site is hidden in the barcode, it will automatically open in the browser. With the QR scanner, it is possible to go to web pages. It is also possible to confirm debit transactions from e-wallets and bank cards.

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