Root (superuser rights) is a special option that gives you access to all the features of the Android operating system. As you know, initially, access to some functions and settings is blocked for the average user. This is stipulated by internal rules so that the smartphone owner does not simply turn his device into a “brick”.
And what is the purpose of getting these root rights? First, to access the hidden files and folders of the system. Secondly, to install some very serious applications. And third, to be able to customize and change the appearance of the operating system. In other words, you can use root rights to change application icons, install new firmware, work with the boot loader, remove preinstalled programs, and so on.
However, root rights have some disadvantages despite all the advantages. First, you lose the warranty on the device and its subsequent repair in case of failure. Also, during the rooting procedure, something can go wrong, resulting in the smartphone never starting again.
It should also be noted that there are different superuser rights. For example, Temporary Root – temporary access to the system, which is revoked after rebooting the device. Shell Root – the rights with limited access to the system folders. And Full Root – full access to all the folders and features. The last option, by the way, is most often used.
If you suddenly decide to get root rights, it is necessary to use special applications. For example, Kingo Root or SuperSu. For more details and step-by-step instructions on this procedure, click here.