Flight Mode

Flying Mode is a special mode in the smartphone settings that allows you to disable all background processes. From the name of the term, you can immediately guess where and what it is used for. If you’ve ever flown on a plane, you’ve noticed before the flight attendant asks you to turn off your phone or put it in a special mode. The activated option instantly turns off cellular, Wi-Fi, positioning (GPS), and Bluetooth.

Until recently, it was thought that the phone on board could cause some interference, leading to the failure of electronic equipment and navigation tools. Now this assumption has been disproved by scientists, and flight attendants are asked to turn off their smartphones so that they do not make unnecessary sounds and do not disturb other passengers.

However, despite this, airplane mode is actively used in everyday life. For example, its activation helps to reduce the consumption of the battery. And also, its activation puts the device in an autonomous state, so no calls and messages will be received. To activate the flight mode, follow this path: “Settings” → “Advanced” → “Flight mode”.

You can also open the notification curtain and activate the desired option there.

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