How to Remove Headphone Icon on Your Xiaomi Phone

Today’s mobile devices usually hold a lot of music. Users like to listen to audio recordings through a headset because it is convenient and practical. But sometimes, there can be malfunctions. For example, the headphone mode does not turn off. So today, we will discuss how to remove the headphone icon on your Xiaomi phone and tell you why this trouble occurs.

Causes of the hanging icon

The headphone icon on Xiaomi does not always disappear for certain reasons. Most often, it is either mechanical damage or software failures. Consider each problem in order.

Please note! This problem is also relevant on other brands. Therefore, this instruction will help to solve the problems of other models as well.

Mechanical problem

If you were caught in the rain, and after disconnecting the headset, you can still see the annoying icon – the fault is moisture, which turned out to be in the connector. Drops can get deep into the phone, causing some pretty serious malfunctions. So when it’s pouring, always put your smartphone in a zippered pocket or bag.

The second common case is dust or small foreign objects. Bread crumbs, pet hair, dirt, sand – all this gets into the connector, sometimes completely blocking the contact wire.

Dropped the phone on a hard surface? The consequences are not always only a broken screen. The device’s internals is easily damaged, and the connectors can stop responding to the connected devices.

Software error

Xiaomi phones can not come out of headphone mode also because of software. The most trivial problem, which is easily solved – hanging a smartphone (long glitch).

No one can rule out malfunctions in the firmware and failures with the radio and music players. Detailed answers on troubleshooting can be found below.

5 ways to disable hanging headphone mode on Xiaomi

So what to do if the phone shows that the headphones are connected? There are several methods of solving the problems encountered: mechanical and software.

Cleaning and drying the connectors

First of all, you need to thoroughly clean the connectors, even if it seems that there are no foreign objects there. Arm yourself with a cotton swab or toothpick, but never with a metal tool! Carefully insert the swab into the connector and make several circular motions. Then take the headphones and for prevention, insert the tracker and take it out several times.

Caught in the rain? Then the above actions can, on the contrary, hurt, as the liquid will penetrate even deeper. But there is a solution: put a hair dryer on the lowest power and under a stream of warm air-dry connectors. With a lint-free cloth, we remove the remaining drops.

In most cases, such simple procedures help to remove the hanging headphone icon from the smartphone screen. If the trouble remains, then the problem may be in the software part.

Using a special liquid

Over time, all the innards of devices tend to oxidize. This sometimes happens with the contacts responsible for the connection of wires.

A liquid designed to remove oxidation from microchips and boards is suitable to avoid this problem. For example, the well-known FLUX-OFF. Just pour a few drops into the 3.5mm socket. Be careful. It only needs a little bit of the stuff.

What to do with the keys

If a glitch causes the hanging icon, and the usual reboot does not do any good, you need to “play” with the buttons. This scheme helps many users:

  1. Connect the headphones to the smartphone and ensure the phone is on. The screen is also unlocked.
  2. Press the power button on the device and the call acceptance button on the headset. Hold for about 5-6 seconds, then sharply release.
  3. Immediately pull the tracker out of the jack. The graphic bug should disappear.

Clearing the radio data

This is a pure software operation, which should be applied if other methods do not help.

  1. Find the radio icon on the main screen and enter the program. Connect the headphones.
  2. In the application that opens, click on the triple dot icon. Advanced radio settings appear.
  3. Click “Enable Speaker.”“Turn on headphones.”. Next, close the program completely, removing it from the tabs and phone memory.
  4. We visit the settings menu, where we go to “Applications”. Tap on “Radio”. And at the very end of the page, select “Clear All”.
  5. The app is completely cleared, including the history and cache. Now you can disconnect the headphones. The phone will not see that they are connected.

With such simple actions, you can literally within half an hour get rid of the interfering glitch, which is expressed by hanging up the icon.

Using other headphones

This simple method can also sometimes help. To do this, you need to take any other headphones (cheap ones are best), and try plugging them in several times. If the icon is still there – restart and try again. After these simple steps, the problem of displaying the headset icon should disappear.

To avoid such problems in the future, always buy only quality headsets and good headphones from trusted manufacturers.


I use several headphones at different times, but the icon does not disappear at all

This is quite a common situation. Visit Settings – Sound & Vibration, then open Sound Settings. In the Earphone Model tab, enter the name of the earphones you use most often. The problem should go away.

Does the plug influence the appearance of the icon?

Yes, in most cases, the icon freezes on the 4-pin plug of the headset. If you insert the usual 3-pin plug, like in ordinary headphones, the problem will disappear.

The smartphone fell, after which it does not respond to the headphones

Contact the service center with a good specialist. It is unlikely the problem can be solved at home because the contacts could be seriously damaged

Today we discussed how to remove the hanging headphone icon on Xiaomi. This is a very common problem among Android users. However, it is solved quite easily if you follow the instructions, take time, and do not worry. If these methods have not helped and your phone still does not come out of headphone mode – we advise you to contact a service center, especially during the warranty period.

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